Michael Jackson

5 answers in this topic
Scotscub57 yrs
I'm sure we've all heard about the sudden lost of a great pop entertainer Michael Jackson's death, it didn't matter if you liked him or not, but there was no escaping some of this genus's classic song's like Billie Jean, Bad, Thriller, yes when it first came out on video on tv years ago it did scare the living daylight out of me, Man in the Mirror & loads more, when he got a rock guitarist like Eddie Van Halen to play on Thriller, or Slash or even Steve Stevens ( Billy Idol fame) , just sheer brilliant .
That must be one great gig in the sky when he's joined them up there.
I'm sure some of you guys will have some fav Michal Jackson songs, so why not pay some tribute to the king of pop on here?

R.I.P Michael Jackson   

Gone but not forgotten.

edited once00
a member
I likes Beat it , Thriller , Bad and some other songs, and I hopes he's resting in peace , with all the otherones, yes I've seen a video when slash was playing... Rip M.J
Scotscub57 yrs


edited twice00
a member
Michael Jackson the king of pop forever !!!!

a member
And do not forget that famous singer of heavy metal, Ronnie James Dio, but I do not like Satanism, but left us a legacy quite well, his voice. Coupled with his first guitar, Vivian Campbell, his drummer, Vinnie Appice and bassist. What memories of that band of the 80''s. Of course, humanity has lost a great singer with great style and scored a lot. Freddie Mercury, Elvis and many more. But Michael Jackson has left us some of our youth and I do not like his music, just a couple of songs, but had a style, an impressive voice.

edited once00
Scotscub57 yrs
hi there Jurvi, you're right we didn't miss out on the wee man with one of the most powerful voices in rock none other than Ronnie James Dio, we done a tribute to him on here, look on page one here Ronnie James Dio, like everyone else who loes rock we where shocked & sadden to hear Ronnie had passed away.
You mentioned about Vinnie Campbell, Def Leppard's taking a break at the moment & Vinne has joined Thin Lizzy they're about to tour Europe early next year.