Ricky Martin

3 answers in this topic
Scotscub57 yrs
I know & we all know by now with the media Ricky Martin has finally came out of the closest here and amited that he's gay, he's not the sort of rock icon here , but bless him for being brave enough to come out & admite it here.I'm sure it will make some girls cry into the mocka coffees around the world.
a member
Yes I agree, hopefully he will inspire other music artists to come out too, and not only artists but any guys or girls in general.
a member
It came as such a shock to me - my arse lol - but your right Scotscub he was a brave Latin hunk for doing so at last. It won't do his career any harm I'm sure, may even be good for it. We all (ok most of us) managed to forgive Reg, sorry Elton, for his past hetero tansgressions, so Ricky shold be fine. If not he can come to me and I'll take care of him
a member
I have heard of him and probably heard him, always a good thing when people come out of the closet, not a good place to be
Probably increase his record sales if anything