Who's Final Tour, Again?

One answer in this topic
Rod2see82 yrs
My story about the WHO starts with their "Final Tour" in 1981 or 1982. I was stationed with the U.S. Army at Fort Ord, CA. About 6 of of soldiers decided to go hear/see The Who perform at the Oakland Athletics baseball stadium. Their stage was set up in center field. The 6 of us (5 guys and 1 girl...girl friend of one of the guys with us, whom I had slept with, unbeknownst to her!) set up a blanket at 1st base area. We sat and drank beer, smoked mj and had a great time at the concert! I bought a T-Shirt saying "WHO, Last Tour" or something like that.

Well, about 3 or 4 years ago, guess "who" was on tour Again! Well, I had retired from the Army and had moved to Fort Lauderdle, Florida where they were to appear. I got a good ticket, found the old T-Shirt and went to the concert. Got a little stoned before the show and headed in proudly wearing my "Who, Last Concert tour...1982." Inside a couple of stoned teenagers came up to me and said, "wow, what a great T-Shirt, where did you get it?" I told them about the Oakland concert and they were enthralled. Went in to the concert and enjoyed them as much as I had 25 years earlier!

Scotscub57 yrs
thanks Ken, I love reading stories like these.