Greatest Rock-Voices ever

15 answers in this topic
a member
Hi everybody,
after this long time, this great Part of GR exits, i think it´s time, to celebrate the geatest Rock-Voices ever heard!
One of the reasons, i prefer Rock Music, are the mostly realy manlike voices of the singers (or shouters!) of the Rockbands, that will get me creeps!

So, at the moment i have enough time to show you a few of the bands i mean (to be contiued...)


The first singer is (or was) the front man of the grunge heroes Soundgarden, and/or audioslave, named Chris Cornell. Here ist one of my fav´s...

Another great voice is the "shouter" of the legendery band "Rage against the machine". So, here is a example for you... (and the one, who can sit still by hearing this song know realy nothing about musik! )

And here´s another great voice: The band is called "puddle of mudd", and the voice of the frontman (name?) is unbelivable...

edited 3 times00
a member
...and here anther vid´s of examples of great voices in Rockmusic.

I´m a child of the time, when grunge, alternative, and crossover Rockmusic appears, and got famous.

So, here a few examples of bands of this time: First, one of the popularest grunge bands of this time "Pearl jam". The voice of the front man eddie vedder ist realy one of the best voices in ever heard. So listen...

One of the first known crossover band for me were "clawfinger". Some guys compare this band with the german rockband "Rammstein". I dont think so, because rammstein only wants to shock with there lyrics, there videos, and there music, while clawfinger´s lyrics always have been inteligent, and social critical. Here ist one of the best known songs from them, named "nigger". Read the lyrics, then you will see, it´s noch fucking neonazi-band...

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a member
Here i´m againt (and excuse my bad english - i´m only a silly german gay, ...i ment guy...of course )

The following video is from the band "breaking benjamin". What i love especialy in this songs are the screams from the frontman Benjamin Burnley - RRRRAAAAARRGGGHH! )

For some of you guys, the next video will seem a little bit strange, but if you listen this song again, and again, and will love it surely! And listen this great voice of Layne Staley! Isn´t it great?

O.k., i know i said in the first thread, i love rockmusic because of the realy manlike voices, but the following band has one of the great voices ever - and i´m sorry that i have to say this, it´s the voice of the front-Woman Amy Hartzler! The video below performs the song "everybody´s fool", and i think, in connection with the song it´s better that the first part of "Matrix" (sorry Keanu...). I don´t know why, but in everytime i see this video, i have to fight my tears! I think it´s because the video is sooo sad (i really don´t love women, but when i see this video, i always want to give Amy a big hug! )

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Scotscub57 yrs
Wow! this is going to be very hard here, as there's just so many great singers in rock/metal out there, I'll have to come back to this one again,.
Here's a few of my favs so far.

Robert Plant ex-Lep Zep
Paul Rodgers--ex Bad compay,Free
Freddie Mercury
Roger Daltrey

these are just some of my older favs I'll some of my fav ones soon.
a member
I love his voice and the song.
a member
Hi everybody,

...and sorry ape28, but this voice is absolutly nothing for my ears! I prefer harder songs! You want to have an example?
O.k., here we go...
One of the really greatest newmetal-bands i've ever heard are the boys from linkin park. The voice from one of the frontmen, Chester Bennington, is unbelievable. Don't you like such music?
Scotscub57 yrs
I really enjoy Linkin park , I got to see them a few times over the years.
Linkin Park - Wish

I wonder what's happen to some of those bands like puddle of Mudd & Clawfinger they where great.

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a member
Hi everybody, hi Scotscub,

i don´t know as well, why such great band disappear. Perhaps, they have earned enough money, perhaps they don´t like each other anymore - anyway, which reasons it were, it´s really so sad!
But don´t let us get depressive, there are a lots of good band here, to maintain us with there music.
For example a band from Great Britain (...i believe...), with the beautiful name "Bush". The singer Gavin Rossdale reminds me with his voice a little bit on the frontman from Nirvana Curt Corbain. The next song is one of my favorite, because i love this hard guitar riffs!

And by the way: Never forget Nirvana...

When i was younger, i always want to have such a rough voice like the singers of the bands, you can see by watching the videos in my threads. I´d try to get it rougher by smoking a lots of strong cigarettes, and drinking a lot of beer...but i think i failed (?). Perhaps, i´d have to try some drugs, like the most of the rockstars...
But now i´m older (and wiser), i´d stopped smoking 10 years ago, cause a good health is better than a rough voice.

At least, another band, i like very much (this is a little bit slower - perhaps something for you ape28?). Enjoy...
a member

I'm listening to hard music aswell.

I know alot of good bands / songs...

Just ask me something and I'll proably find something I could link.
Scotscub57 yrs
hi there Motormaniac & ape28, wow! you guys really do surprize me here with some of this wonderful on here, well done guys.
I have heard of Bush yes they're British band front singer Gavin Rossdale the husband of ex-No Doubt singer Gwen Stefani did record some excellent rock music.
I'm so glad that someone has added Creed on here, why they're simply a brilliant band, not familiar with Creed you soon will be, have you heard of a band called Alter Bridge? well that's the members of Creed without the lead singer with a different name, & also anyone familiar with the this year Slash's solo album (It's brilliant) Alter Bridge's Myles Kennedy.
And as for rising fist, I never heard of them but I'm glad ape28 that you added these as I played & listened to them,now I'm hooked on the already.
That's what I like about this community here you never know what's going to happen next. Again well done guys in keeping this community alive here.
a member
Great choices everyone!There's some bands that I hadn't heard of before but I enjoyed. When it comes to classic rock I have to say that Robert Plant's voice is my favourite. As for my alternative taste of rock I like Brian Molko's (from Placebo) voice and Cedric Bixler's ( from The Mars Volta & previously from At The Drive In) voice. Here's one of their songs, enoy.
a member
Hey guys,
very good video! Especially the "One armed scissors" sound very, very good.

I want to say thank you to yours with a video of one of my favorite bands of my youth. What do you think about it?

...and, of course the realy best song from metallica...
i love James Headfield''''s voice!

I have a littel bit time to spend, so hear another great band "Faith no more" with one of there best songs.
...and hey: if you want to ruin your voice, try to scream as the singer of this band will do it at the end of this song!
By the way: One member of faith no more is gay. I'm not sure if it's the keyborder, or the man who plays the bass.

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edited once00
a member
Here are some good Bands

edited once00
a member

Inflames ofc.


there's alot of great music out there...

Sonic Syndicate
a member
Nightwish - Wish I Had an Angel
Edguy - Lavatory Love Machine
ACCEPT The abyss
Cradle Of Filth - Born In A Burial Gown

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