Stone Roses set for comeback

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Scotscub57 yrs
This is some great news for any Stone Roses fans out there they're planning a comeback, I'm so excited about this news that I've dug out there brilliant self titled album which still sounds so good even after all of the years that it was released.

Stone Roses set for comeback

One of the most eagerly anticipated reunions in rock music looks to be on the cards after rumours grew that the Stone Roses are getting back together.

The Mancunian band, who fell apart in 1996 after legal wrangles and internal rows, are expected to announce a comeback tour at a press conference on Tuesday.

Their self-titled first album, released in 1989, is widely seen as one of the greatest debuts of all time.

Invitations have been sent out to journalists for "a special press conference for a very important announcement" at a Soho hotel on Tuesday.

A spokesman for Murray Chalmers PR, which is handling the event, declined to comment on the nature of the press conference.

Guitarist John Squire quit in 1995 and although the band limped on with a replacement, the group split after a disastrous performance at Reading Festival in 1996.

Singer Ian Brown enjoyed some success as a solo star, bass player Mani joined Primal Scream and Squire charted with his band The Seahorses before pursuing an art career. The band's drummer Reni has slipped out of the limelight since the band ended.

Squire, whose distinctive artwork graced many of their record covers, has regularly refuted suggestions they might reform.

He once created a metallic artwork decorated with the phrase "I have no desire whatsoever to desecrate the grave of seminal Manchester pop group The Stone Roses" and displayed it on his website. "I'd rather live my life than attempt to rehash it," he said later. "Even if Ian and I were still double dating as we did in our teens then the prospect of a reunion wouldn't interest me at all.

A spokesman for Murray Chalmers PR said: "We have never said which artist is having the press conference nor what will be discussed there."