Metallica & Lou Reed

4 answers in this topic
Scotscub57 yrs
Has anyone been brave enough to buy the new Lou Reed & Metallica release LULU yet? I've only heard some bits of it on you tube & , I truely think it awful, this one that will never go into my collection.

It appears to have become a habit to slag off the Lou Reed and Metallica collaboration, even before hearing a note of Lulu (Vertigo). Metallica fans seem to hate the very idea of their faves working with Reed. And this isn’t recognisable as a Metallica album. But why should it be? It’s something separate. Perhaps if a project name had been used instead of the various protagonists being so readily identified, then people would have more of an open mind. The truth is that the album is interesting and arresting. Far from being instant, there’s enough here to keep you returning. What does it sound like? It’s Lou Reed with a heavy, progressively atmospheric rock approach. In some respects, not far removed from Opeth taking on board a Peter Gabriel influence. Not the disaster some believe. And if you want to listen to the whole album before buying a copy, it’s being streamed at

I'd like to hear your thoughts about this.
Scotscub57 yrs
I loved this comments about it, I just had to copy & paste it on here.

so its here the mighty Lulu but is it as bad as `the view`? does this make St Anger look like Master of Puppets?
Opener `Brandenberg gate` sounds interesting with its acoustic intro should it be a Lou Reed album,actually whilst lyrically clever and a huge improvement on the view it sounds like Something off `Reload` like `Low mans lyric`.
Next up is `the view`,one of Metals all time Turkey`s nuff said
`Pumping Blood`just sounds boring and has embarrasing lyrics like `I wiggle my ass like a dog prositute!`,for god sake
`Mistress Blood` sounds like `Kill em all `era Metallica however Shatner,erm sorry Lou Reed is there to ruin it and the lyrics are beyond abysmal he could be talking about anything I just wish he`d shut up
`iced honey` is commercial probably the most pop thing Metallica ever wrote and will be seen as probably there worst sell out,yet this is the single song where Lou actually comes over decent.By no means should it have meant a whole album of collaboration but its at least a good Lou Reed track,c`mon the guy did write `perfect day`.
`Cheat on me` is so glum and going nowhere it makes Coldplay look interesting,musical masturbation
`Frustration` must be about the army of Metallica fans who wish they would stop making shite records,so far not heard one memorable riff I make better riffs than this when pissing about.
`Little Dog` has lyrics like `sniff your shit in the wind`,need I say more?
`Dragon` has at least a nice drum sound and without Lou may have been helped to join a better song but again Hetfield is barely heard and Lou is spouting again,is he reading from a Book?
`Junior Dad` sounds like some kind of the music they play in the background of BBc`s Arena programme or something
Well Lars and co you have just again proved youve blown it this time perhaps beyond repair if this mess goes Platinum i`ll be most surprised.Really unless you are a completist stay away,If you are a hradcore Metallica fan this could leave you to tears,nothing to slightly bang the head to nothing but indulgent pap.
The few bright moments are very few and the high marks include a mark for the hilarious lyrics
a member
I heard the stream of the Album and so far it is such crappy stuff, maybe the music is not thaaaaaaat bad... but i can't listen to lou reed, this dude sounds like an alcoholic drug addict in delirium...

This is definitly the worst release in 2011 in my opinion
[quote]I'd like to hear your thoughts about this. [/quote]

It's complete utter crap!
I thought the latest Morbid Angel was going to be the worst 2011 release, but no.
Metallica got this honour imo.

I do like the 4 "new" songs they released from the Death Magnetic sessions though.
Scotscub57 yrs
you're right Jake & Bearsberlin this has to be the worst album of the year , it's probably one of these ablums that you'd love to put onto a clay pigeon ,fire & blast it in tiny bits & get the greatest pleasure of doing just that, it will also be interestng to see how many will turn up in charity shops as no used record/ cd shops will ever offer you anything to take it off your hands.