Black Sabbath wipe Bill Ward from photo history

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Scotscub57 yrs
Black Sabbath have updated their website to remove drummer Bill Ward from every photo on their homepage and gallery section.

The move comes after Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi and Geezer Butler confirmed he’d been replaced for their upcoming reunion shows, after he failed to reach a contractual agreement with the band.

They’ll appear in their home town of Birmingham tomorrow night as a warm-up show for the Download Festival at Donington next month, but haven’t confirmed who’ll be behind the kit.

Ward revealed earlier this week that he’d tried but failed to cut a deal he regarded as “signable”. Last night Sabbath said: “We have decided not to comment. There are two sides to every story.”

But fans were quick to react in fury after the website change, which mirrors Van Halen’s 2007 attempt to airbrush bassist Michael Anthony from their history.

One person put “Black Sabbath’s integrity” on eBay, with a starting price of £1.

Tony Conley of Facebook page 1,000,000 Black Sabbath Fans say Yes to Bill Ward, commented: “That is simply one of the most dastardly, chickenshit things I have ever seen done in my 40-some years of watching rock and roll. Definitely the manoeuvre with the least class, and disrespect.

“Bill’s statements have been filled with love and respect. Black Sabbath’s responses have been shallow and cold.

“Two sides to every story? Then tell yours, Black Sabbath, and stop hiding. If Bill can’t hack it – say so. If he wants more than his share financially – say so. If there is a reasonable explanation for this shameful display, please help us to understand what it is. Currently, you look shameful and sad. That is not how we wish to feel about you.

“Your fans deserve better, Bill deserves better, and you deserve better.”

The band’s official biography retains a quote from singer Ozzy Osbourne: “In my opinion, there’s only ever been one Black Sabbath, and that’s Iommi, Osbourne, Butler and Ward.” That’s reinforced in the official discography, which only includes albums featuring Osbourne.

Five years ago Van Halen replaced Anthony’s image on their back-catalogue covers with those of his replacement, guitarist Eddie’s son Wolfgang. In the band video game Wolfgang was seen performing tracks that had been written and released long before he was born. They later backed down after a massive fan backlash.

Earlier today Sabbath bassist Geezer Butler reported: “Rehearsals are finally finished, and now for the nervous part, playing our home town gig. Remember it’s all in a good cause, since we’ll be donating to the Help For Heroes charity. I hope the people who are making profits by re-selling the tickets to real fans find it in their hearts to do the right thing and donate at least some of their gains to the charity.”

All Comments
Skumbo says:
06:57pm May 18 2012
This story just gets worse, what a pathetic mess it's all become. I'd like to know how much of this drama has to actually do with Iommi, Butler and Osbourne and how much is managers and lawyers sticking their noses in. Ozzy has done some dick things in his time but you always got the feeling that that was more to do with She Who Shall Not Be Named. But I always thought that Tony and Geezer came across as a pair of decent blokes, I can't believe they'd shanghai Bill like this. Totally fair point to make: if there is two sides to every story then Sabbath need to speak up and give theirs, at the moment they're looking very sad indeed.

Replyuncle mort says:
07:10pm May 18 2012
Why don't the trio go all the way, and re record all their albums without Bill, that way they won't have to him pay him any royalties, that's providing that Ozzy can stay awake for more than 10 mins,

ReplyDavid.M says:
07:20pm May 18 2012
What a Fucking joke! This band is beginning to be a "cash cow" to the fans! We want the "Original" band not some fucking "Night with Black Sabbath and friends"....get too fuck! Honestly Bill is better of without them, t
Scotscub57 yrs
… "Night with Black Sabbath and friends"....get too fuck! Honestly Bill is better of without them, they started together and SHOULD end together but no they punt him to the "dirt" and wipe their feet with him! What make's it more "personal" Bill is removed from the website!!! What on earth for!?! I hope whoever goes to this "sham" of a show the fans screem "Bring back Bill" just to piss off the worst comeback reunion of the year!

ReplyDerek says:
07:30am May 19 2012
Truly childish and pathetic. The silence from the Sabs camp is deafening. I am a reasonable man, and am quite prepared to listen to their reasons for this, and to try to understand the reasons why, but at the moment Bill Ward looks like the dignified gentleman he always has been, and the three remaining guys look like petulant little children. Tickets ripped up, album not being purchased, watching spoilt children gang up on their former friend is not entertainment, or in the finest classic rock traditions.

Replyartsmithdrums says:
07:48am May 19 2012
It is, frankly, offensive to try and remove Bill from their history, as if he was never there or part of the band, truly shocking. What happened to dignity and respect, if he can't play the shows for some reason say so.
