GnR fan told: Remove Slash shirt or go home

Two answers in this topic
Scotscub57 yrs
Hands up to those who finds Axl's Guns 'n'Roses very annoying these days, once known as the most dangerous band in the world now becoming the most annoying band in the world, read on this story about some G'n'R fan wearing a Slash t-shirt at the gigs,crazy, fucking crazy!

An 18-year-old Guns n’Roses fan was told to remove his Slash shirt or go home ahead of Axl Rose’s appearance in London on Friday.

It’s a repeat of events first believed to have unfolded in 2010, when gigglers in Canada were ordered to turn Slash shirts inside-out and abandon their top hats.

James Revell attended the GnR show in London’s O2 Arena with his younger brother. On arrival door staff instructed him to take off his shirt and said he wouldn’t be allowed in if he didn’t comply.

The teenager tells NME: “I felt as though my freedom to wear what I want had been taken away from me. I did not react angrily as I didn’t want to spoil the show for my brother.

“I believed they asked me to do it because Axl Rose has some problem with Slash, and if he saw me wearing the shirt he might have stormed off stage.”

Revell says he feels “insulted” and adds he and his brother were only able to watch three songs of GnR’s set before having to leave because of the band’s late start – which Classic Rock revealed can be planned up to 13 hours in advance.

O2 Arena staff confirmed: “We were told by management not to allow anyone in who is wearing a Slash t-shirt. We are asking anyone who is to remove it, and if they refuse they will be turned away.”

The band’s first London show of two was streamed online via a pay-per-view service. They completed their UK tour in the English capital last night, featuring another guest appearance from classic-era guitarist Izzy Stradlin. They threatened to end the late-starting concert when angry fans threw coins and cups towards the stage.

Meanwhile, GnR guitarist DJ Ashba has defended bandmate Rose, telling Celebzter: “He’s actually very misunderstood by the media and people who don’t know him. People like to assume shit. I can only speak for me, but truth is he’s one of the funniest and collect motherfuckers out there. I would take a bullet for him.”

edited once00
Scotscub57 yrs

murdrake says:
10:35am June 3 2012
What does this tell you about this idiot,and his band,late starts,and telling people not to wear a Slash shirt,and DJ Ashba maybe some one should shoot you as you and Rose appear to be a pair of dickheads,and cannot understand why this idiot Rose still has people wanting to see him and his band of misfits!

ReplySpazzyMcGee says:
10:57am June 3 2012
Before you all jump on the hate-Axl bandwagon, nowhere in this article does it say it had anything to do with Axl. It said their management told them to do it.

I asked the security at the front of the Nottingham gig and they basically said it was paranoia.. they're afraid to have anything happen that might piss off Axl Rose and fuck up the show, when in fact he's loved this whole tour and seemed to be in a great mood the whole time.

As for coming on late, yes he did come on "late". As in, late in the evening. He didn't come on any later than they were meant to. They always go on stage around 11, and end at about 2. Every night.. that's how the show is scheduled. Thin Lizzy came on at about 8:45 and played for around an hour, then Guns came on an hour after that and played a full 33 song 3 hour set, like no other bands nowadays.

If you turn up to a Guns show assuming you're getting the last 11pm train home, you're a moron. They always play into the early hours, and have done for almost 30 years.

Replyshufflemoomin says:
12:20pm June 4 2012
I think buying a ticket for a Guns show at all these days is what tags you as a moron before you've even left the house.

paxo666 says:
11:52am June 3 2012
This sums up why I'm going to see Slash in Hammersmith next week and not the Axl Rose show.

That, and the fact Slash is awesome and Axl is a douche-bag

Also Axl's voice is terrible these days even saw Duff McKagen's Loaded last year do G'n'R songs better than the current line-up!

Replyorion says:
01:13pm June 3 2012
yeah exactly, there obviously is still alot of mugs in the world, who are prepared to put up his antics.

carlito says:
11:58am June 3 2012
This idiot has to be THE most irritating asshole in world music. Where does he get off turning up late for every gig, and now telling the people that pay his wages what to wear!!!!!! He cannot get over himself. I mean this is the shite that is Guns N Roses we're talking about here!!!! Message to Axl - You're a sad, washed up cretinous prima donna that can't even sing. Your band's music is average at best. I just can't understand why anyone wants to even go to see you live, knowing the contempt you show for them. I blame the fans as much as anyone. If they boycotted these gigs, this sad bastard would learn very quickly.

Replymidnightrider says:
12:36pm June 3 2012
What an UTTER CUNT You are Rose.

Replymickyted says:
01:54pm June 3 2012
Its horses for courses... If everyone liked the same thing life would be boring..

I went to the gig at Liverpool fully aware of Axl's reputation and I am glad I did. The show was one of the best arena gigs I have ever seen. Yes he didnt go onstage till 11 and yes he didnt finish till 2am but in between those hours it was pure magic. The only two bands I am aware of that play for a full 3 hour set are G'n'R and Greenday. I would quite willingly pay to see either of them anytime they are in my area as they really do give value for money.

ReplyCFKMAN says:
05:05am June 4 2012
The GREAT Bruce Springsteen has always played a 3 hour plus show pretty much throughout his career and still does it today.

Operation Mondcrime says:
03:22pm June 3 2012
Given the ticket price, the shite venues, the poor time keeping, the rubbish singer that's incapable of singing half of their songs, Guns N Roses are now one of the worst Guns N Roses tributes in the world.

If you want to be able to tell people you saw Guns N Roses, great, go see Guns N Roses with all the other wankers that wouldn't know
Scotscub57 yrs
… you saw Guns N Roses, great, go see Guns N Roses with all the other wankers that wouldn't know rock and roll if it stole their girlfriend.

If you want a taste of what it was that made them so great, go see Slash. He'll let you wear a Guns N Roses t-shirt, he's got a lot more respect for you than to tell you what you can wear.

ReplySRance89 says:
01:36pm June 4 2012
£50 to see Guns N' Roses & Thin Lizzy... no issue with that. Shite venues? Biggest indoor venue in Scotland, O2 Arena in London... yeah, they're shite... Poor time keeping, nothing new from the original line up. I'm assuming you didn't go to the gigs so how would you know?

But thats all your opinion and thats fair enough. But don't tell me I don't know rock n' roll. I'm 23, I didn't have the chance to see the original GNR. The only member of any era of Guns i've left to see live is Steven Adler. I've seen Slash 3 times with VR and twice, soon to be 3 times as a solo act. I've also seen Aerosmith, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Metallica and some 200+ bands not including warm up acts or pub bands.

DJ Ashba is a much better live guitarist than Slash and that Guns N' Roses gig was one of my all time favourites. Plenty of people were wearing Slash t shirts, no one left early, they came on late, they played for 3 hours and everyone in the SECC had massive smiles on their faces from start to finish (including Axl Rose).

That band has as much right to call themselves Guns N' Roses as AC/DC, Lynryd Skynryd, Metallica, Def Leppard, Black Sabbath or any other band thats had a line up change

bally says:
08:51am June 4 2012
What an ARSEHOLE! he is I can't understand why people keep paying