Fame at last for Alice

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Scotscub57 yrs
Fame at last for Alice

Alice Cooper finally inducted into Hall of Fame

Alice Cooper will be inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame next month by Rob Zombie it has been revealed.
The ceremony which will be aired live on the Fuse channel and take place on March 14 at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel will see the pair who toured together last year on the Halloween Hootenanny tour share the stage for the shock rockers big moment.
Cooper recently spoke of his confidence that the call would eventually come to take his place in the Hall of Fame.
He told Billboard:

“I’ve always felt the same way about this whole thing. I kind of sat back and said, ‘It will happen eventually.’ It did get to be kind of a joke, not being nominated. I got to the point where I was saying, ‘OK, I’m the Pete Rose of rock n’ roll!’
“So now that it’s a reality, it’s a different take on it. Now I sit there and go, ‘Wow. Wow! We’ve got to really get up and play, and assume the position of being in the Hall of Fame.’ It’ll be great.”

Cooper has also revealed he will mark his induction with a special performance with the original Alice Cooper band.
He revealed to Rolling Stone:

“We’re trying to figure out if we do ‘School’s Out’, do we send balloons of confetti into the audience? I doubt there’ll be a snake there though. . . If you look at the list of past inductees it’s all of my heroes, from Pete Townshend to The Yardbirds to The Beatles to the Stones.
“It’s everybody that we listened to in order to become Alice Cooper, so it’s pretty amazing that those are the same people that actually voted for us.”
Scotscub57 yrs
Having being an Alice Cooper fan for so long over the years, I''m really pleased that he''s being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame after all of these years,if he managed to piss off Mary Whitehouse through out the 70''s in the Uk was good enough for me. I''ve met Alice a few times in person & what a wonderful down to earth person that he really is, he''s nice to his fans. If you ever get to see his shows then you''re in for a great treat, he puts on some great stage shows.

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